Schlagwort-Archive: Bulletin 3-2016

Bulletin 03-2016 der Botschaft der DVR Korea

Die Botschaft der DVR Korea hat am Freitag, den 15.01.2016 das
Bulletin Nr. 03-2016 herausgegeben. Wir wollen unseren Freunden und Genossen das englischsprachige Dokument nicht vorenthalten:

Bulletin 03-2016 als PDF

Nr. 03-2016

15. Januar 2016


Korean Jurists Committee Accuses U.S. of Sidestepping  Conclusion of Peace Treaty with DPRK

     Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) — The Korean Jurists Committee released a white paper on January 14, disclosing the U.S. criminal acts of persistently sidestepping the conclusion of a peace treaty with the DPRK, an international legal guarantee for defending peace and security in the Korean Peninsula and the rest of the world, and laying bare the U.S. sinister aim lurking behind it before the international community and the world progressives.

     A peace treaty is an international one which should be concluded in order to put a definite end to the state of war from a legal point of view and establish the relations of lasting peace, the white paper noted, and went on:

     How to approach the peace treaty is a touchstone to distinguish the peace-loving forces and trigger-happy forces.

     The Korean Armistice Agreement (AA) was adopted as an international legal document which envisaged the independent and peaceful settlement of the Korean issue free from any foreign interference and the establishment of the lasting peace-keeping mechanism in the Korean Peninsula, not a temporary halt to belligerence, thanks to the DPRK’s positive and stubborn struggle to lay a legal groundwork for setting up the relations of peace after the war. weiterlesen