Schlagwort-Archive: unification diplomacy

Bulletin 05-2016 der Botschaft der DVR Korea

Die Botschaft der DVR Korea hat am Freitag, den 22.01.2016 das
Bulletin Nr. 05-2016 herausgegeben. Wir wollen unseren Freunden und Genossen das englischsprachige Dokument nicht vorenthalten:

Bulletin 05-2016 als PDF

Nr. 05-2016

22. Januar 2016


Independence, Peaceful Reunification and Grand National Unity – the Fundamental Principles of Korean Reunification

It has been long past half a century since Korea, a homogenous nation with a 5,000 year-long history, was divided into two by foreign forces.

Even the name of the country, Korea, that was admired as “the land of morning calm” is now being addressed as “north Korea” and “south Korea” for the past 70 years.

The tearful scenes of long-awaited reunion and heartbreaking farewell of separated families from the north and the south can be seen nowhere else in the world.

National reunification has become the most burning desire for the Koreans who have lived with painful sorrow for such a long time.

It is not only the Koreans but also peace-loving people over the world who desire early reunification of Korea that will open up a new era of peace and prosperity on the peninsular and in the region.

In his New Year Address this year, His Excellency Mr. KIM JONG UN, has put forward the idea of independence in inter-Korean relations and the reunification issues in line with the nation’s desire and demand; the idea of safeguarding peace and security by eliminating the dangers of war on the Korean peninsula; and the idea of adding value to the north-south joint declarations and implementing them. These ideas are the great banner for early realization of the nation’s long-cherished desire and the world aspiration for peace. weiterlesen